Welcome promo CLEAR INSTITUTE October 2021

Offer ends NOVEMBER 1st, 2021

Get a 20% rebate on your next registration

Here is an exclusive time-limited offer to make you discover everything The C.L.E.A.R. Institute can do to entertain your Clear Aligner education...

20% offer endedn on November 1st, 2021

We offer you this FREE course

Clear aligners are here to stay! But is it for you? Are you wondering:

  • What can clear aligners do for me?
  • Why should I incorporate them in my practice?
  • How can I gain confidence to treat patients with clear aligners?

If you ask yourself these questions, if you are not sure that you should invest time and money into integrating clear aligners in your practice, THIS is the course for you!

Whatever we integrate in our practice and in our life, every time we make a decision, we have to spend some time in the learning curve. It will not be different with clear aligners. But these things, these principles, can be learned!

The objective is to give you all the information you need to be able to take the right decision for you, your practice and your patients by answering the question: Are clear aligners for you?

It's time to Make the MOVE!

NEW online education experience

Your interest in the education program of The C.L.E.A.R. Institute makes us happy!

We look forward to sharing with you our knowledge, experience, and passion to help you: 




clear aligners in your daily practice reality.

The NEW education platform is awaiting you and to thank you for visiting us today, by joining our list and staying up to date on our activities, we will send you a code for a 


on your next online registration with us.

OFFER ends NOVEMBER 1st, 2021